Monday, August 11, 2008

First Foster Placement

Where to begin! So much has happened since my last post on 6/27/08. As I had said we met with the foster care specialist on that night and 1 week later on 7/3/08 I received a call from her and she asked us if we were interested in fostering an infant and if we were we needed to pick him up from the hospital that evening. We had to remember that this was strictly foster for now and that the first goal would be to reunite with his mother, but of course there is always the chance that he may become adoptable. So we took a leap of faith and 2 hours later we were signing papers ready to take J home, however, there was a little snag and the dr. had not done his final physical so we were asked to come back and get him in the morning, but we did get to see him (we will call him J to protect his identity) and he was as cute as a button. So on July 4th, 2008 we recieved our first foster placement of a 17 day old caucasion, mostly healthy, newborn baby boy straight from the hospital. I say mostly healthy because we have to take him to a couple of specialist to make sure he doesn't have any long term problems with his kidneys or heart, but for the most part he his healthy and not on any kind of medications.

I can't believe we have had J for over a month now and he will be 2 months old tomorrow. He has gotten so big and we just love him to bits. He does have his parent visits 3 times a week and I am still working so my hubby watches him during the day and when he is working my mom watches him. We have no idea when or if he will go home, but we are just praying for J's best interest. We absolutely love having him and honestly I don't feel like it has been that big of a transition. We definitely have a huge support team and would not be able to do it without my MIL who was here from Arizona when we first received the placement to help us and my mom and dad who help us whenever we need them.

Just a side note I was told to contact WIC to get J's formula and the first available date they had for my area was in October!!! Can you believe that! So needless to say I made an appointment for a different office and I still had to wait, but only until August 18th. I shouldn't say only - it was still quite long. I just can't believe there are that many children and families on WIC. That was really eye opening.

We are hoping for more foster or adoptable children, but who knows what the Lord has in store for us. We would love to adopt J, because how perfect would that be to be able to adopt our first placement who was placed with us straight from the hospital never knowing any other home. We can only wait and see! Such is life, right!