Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We finally received our actual fostering license in the mail so now we are official! However, we have no kids yet so I don't know how official I really feel. K finally called me back. I asked her to confirm that she got the package back of the boys for J so she can keep looking for a home for the and also for K's e-mail address. I actually asked for it because there is this website that I wanted to register at and in order to register you need your case workers e-mail address. So I registered on the website and there are a couple of possibilities on that website, however, they are out of state possibilities, but if is a good fit we are willing to go anywhere.

We talked about maybe adopting from China and we said before we look into any other type of adoption we are going to give Foster/Adoption a year for us to find our permanent kids and if we don't have any luck we will consider China Adoption.

Well i'm starting to make lots of typos so that is my cue!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hi! I came across your blog randomly. We are foster adopt parents as well. I don't know where you are located, but check out this site:
You can check out my blog as well! Good luck. Let me know if you have any questions!