I am back from vacation and I feel like I never left. My BIL's wedding was beautiful the Beach house was gorgeous and the weather - not so much! It was cold, windy and overcast for 2 of the 4 days were were there. One of the days was partially sunny, but cool for the most part. When we left to go from SC to NC Baby J got sick 4 days into our vacation and decided to stay sick for the rest of the time. I had to call a my doctor to call a couple of prescriptions into the Walgr**ns in NC and who new that Medicaid was not nation wide. Not me! So $100 later Baby J was drugged up and cranky as ever for the second half of our vacation. Did I mention I also got sick and am still sick. I finally went to the doctor yesterday because I felt like Baby J and I had been transferring our sickness back and forth to each other so now I am on an antibiotic for my sinus infection and the doctor said my ear was flaming red and was surprised that I wasn't in severe pain because I have an ear infection too. I also took Baby J to see the doctor because he is still hacking up a lung so now he is on an antibiotic, a steroid, 3 different nebulizer drugs and singulair.
We picked up N4 and X6 on Sunday and to our delight Ms. J said that X6 was an Angel and N4 had his moments and that he was filled with lots of anger. Not that we delighted in him being bad, but the fact that he was consistant. I was a little afraid that he would be great for Ms. J and not want to leave her house. It was a fear that somehow I am inadequate and I am the one doing something horribly wrong to make him act out, but oh no, Ms. J told us quite a few stories how N4 acted out and needed time outs and naps when he would get out of hand. Throwing food and toys and hitting X6 to name a few incidents. I guess it didn't help that they were allowed to play Grand Theft Auto and watch scary movies at Ms. J's house. The first thing out of their mouths to us were "guess what we got to play Grand Theft Auto and I had 1 fatality and I shot a police officer. Woo hoo should I be excited about this! I did have to explain the next morning to them how inappropriate it is for kids their age to play games like this when they kept talking about this game constantly.
The CASA worker told us that she visited the kids at Ms. J's house and they were completely different. They were fighting and arguing and couldn't keep their hands off of each other and just being really ornary and bad where as when they are at our house she knows we don't put up with that stuff - her words! X6 teacher told us that she noticed that X6's reading has gotten worse since we've been gone because I guess Ms. J did not do homework with him. I can't believe a kid can forget everything he's learned in 12 days. This just goes to show you that when all kids do is play video games at home it does hurt their learning. All in all though we thought the transition back from vacation would be a lot harder, but fortunately it has not been too tough. We have actually tried to relax our rules a little bit because of a parent counselor we talked with while on vacation - it's my friends mom who we stayd with. She gave us a lot of tips on how to handle N4 and so far so good.