Monday, August 17, 2009

BJ is 14 months old and wet pull-ups

This morning I wake up to my boys getting themselves ready as they always do. X6 proceeds to tell me that he did not wet his pull-up which is fantastic. We just put him on medicine last week to retain his urine at night and this is the first day that I just think maybe, just maybe it’s actually going to work. So then N5 proceeds to tell me that he did not wet his pull-up either so I praise him and I ask him to see his pull-up only because 2 days ago he did not realize it was wet and put a smelly pull-up in the box and caused the room to reek – hence I have to ask him to see the pull-up in question. He says “No, I didn’t pee in my pull-up.” I proceed to tell him if he didn’t pee than he has nothing to be afraid of. He was angry and almost melting down when I picked up the soaking wet pull-up out of his box. I looked at him and told him he would be getting a consequence for lying and explained to him that putting a stinky, wet pull-up in his box was not sanitary and that is what made his room smell and that lying would not be tolerated. He was not caring. I asked him to take the pull-up and do the routine with it (put in a bag and throw out), he would not take the pull-up so I said very sternly “Take the pull-up or I will put it on your head.” Needless to say he took the pull-up. Of course I would never put it on his head – but at the moment it seemed fitting to tell him this because he didn’t know I wouldn’t do this and his little defiant attitude needed a reality check! I went in to tell my husband and of course I’m now laughing at myself because of how straight faced I said those words. Every time I tell the story it gets funnier. Case in point I could choose to be very angry right about now at how he lied and how sometimes, just sometimes I feel like we are taking care of Satan’s spawn (I say this lovingly of course), but I choose to focus on what makes me laugh and right about now this is pretty darn funny!

Today BJ is 14 months old. Happy Birthday to him. I really do love this age. He is pretty spectacular. He has a little blister on one of his knees from all of the crawling he does. I think this is a good thing because now he is no longer on his knees and he walks on his hands and feet so we call him Mowgli. He amazes me because he is a little daredevil climbing onto the couches and getting down all by himself and throwing himself onto my bed, but his confidence in walking is not quite there yet. He is still small enough to bathe in the kitchen sink, so I haven’t had the pleasure of breaking my back to bathe him in the tub yet, but since he splashes like nobodies business I think the tub is inevitable at this point. He loves this DVD I got from the library called Baby Songs: Babies Busy Day. It was made in the late 70’s but he’s 1 so he really doesn’t care what their wearing, but you can tell it is very dated, but the songs are great. He’s so funny because he will see me pull down the TV in our kitchen and he will start wheeling his high chair over to the TV to inform me he is ready to watch his show. Too Cute!


Leah Wentzel said...

ha! i feel your pain with the defiant potty trainers! :)

Tricia said...

I love baby songs!!! I sing along to them to =)